Monday, January 6, 2014

New Beginnings

Happy New Year! Wow, it has been like two years since I have worked on this blog. I love following other bloggers & this year I've decided there is no time like the present to really focus on my own. So much has happened since my last post! First and foremost, Blair & I are the proud parents to a two month old baby boy! Meet William Hudson Brown! This little blessing is the single most precious thing that has ever happened to me. Being his mom fills me with so much purpose & hope for the future. I hope to document his milestones with this blog & look forward to sharing our adventures in parenting with you! 

This year I really wanted to put thought into my New Year's resolutions. I stumbled upon this great prompt on one of my favorite blogs & decided to join in on the fun. Please feel free to share your own thoughts; I'd love to hear them!

1. What is something you want to change, or a goal you want to set for the New Year & what is your plan for making it happen? I know it is probably one of the most common goals for the new year, but I truly want to become better organized! Now that I'm a stay at home mom, I spend the vast majority of my time in the house with my little guy. I'd really like to streamline our daily routine by not only organizing my home but my schedule. I plan to achieve this goal by focusing on a few small projects at a time. 
2. Many people chose a word to reflect on, live by or aspire to for the New Year. Let us know your word, how you decided upon it & how you plan to incorporate it into 2014. I think this year the word I'd like to reflect on is Present. I have a bad habit of focusing too much energy on the future. I'm always looking forward to the next vacation, the next milestone, etc. I want to enjoy this time with my precious baby boy & truly by present in the moment. This time with him is flying so fast already & I want to treasure every single minute of it. 
3. I will make 2014 count by... Being the best mother I can be! I want to hold this baby, rock him to sleep, and not rush through our bedtime routine. I want to talk to him & memorize his smile. I want to smell his sweet baby scent and relish in the time I have been given with him. I am so thankful to have the opportunity to stay at home and raise him & that is where I plan to focus my energy. 

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